Strawberry Lemonade Granita

Strawberry Lemonade Granita

You don’t have to have a fancy icecream maker to enjoy homemade frozen treats! I really enjoy making new things with my kids.  This idea came about when my son asked what made pink lemonade pink?  I decided that this would be a good way to 

Turmeric Tea

Turmeric Tea

Everywhere I look, I keep reading about and seeing the health benefits of this ancient Indian spice.   Dr. Mercola calls it “The spice that ignites your body’s astonishing immune system”. Not even aware if its amazing qualities, I have been using it for years in 

Cinnamon Whipped Cream

Cinnamon Whipped Cream

We have been hit!  With a snowstorm that is.  Yes, don’t we all just love being snowed in, endless hours with our children, getting them bundled, building snowmen and sledding!  I’m lucky to have a husband who is a “big” kid and loves doing all of 

Tree hunting adventures with the family!

Tree hunting adventures with the family!

Ever been to a tree farm?? Well in an effort to make the holidays extra special and memoriable I decided it was time to start creating family traditions.  I thought what a more fun way to get a tree than to cut it down yourself!  I 

House Tour – Leah’s Eclectic Apartment

House Tour – Leah’s Eclectic Apartment

Last weekend I was able to have a girl’s weekend with 3 of my favorite gals: Leah, Ashlee and my 3 month old Juliette.  I was inspired by the eclectic design and use of new and old pieces.  Who’s Place: the lovely Leah Setting: up and coming Philadelphia, PA