Month: September 2010

dinner with friends

dinner with friends

Over the weekend I had my first official outing since I had my baby, Juliette 6 weeks ago.  It was a special night for many of the couples who have also recently welcomed babies into the world.  We got all dressed up for our dinner 

Crabs with the family!

Crabs with the family!

Yesterday my husband and I decided it was important to get one last good crab pickin’ day in. So we went to our local guy who catches them fresh on the Eastern Shore every morning.  This is always a fun experience for our children.  We 

Just another day in the kitchen

Just another day in the kitchen

Today my friend Ryan came over and we cooked up a feast in the kitchen.  Well, I did at least… Ryan watched, took photos of the food and the kids!  I had a lot of fun throwing together some new recipes and chowin’ down.  The kitchen is a wreck, but that can wait til later.  Right now the kids are down for naps and I’m relaxing and enjoying the peace and quiet… for the next 30 minutes, at least until my daughter gets home from Kindergarten.  It was a good day for sure… any day that includes friends, food and family is amazing! Be sure to check back, new gluten free recipes and photos to come from this day of cooking!

Oh, and here’s a sneak peek at the gf lemon cupcakes with homemade raspberry topping: