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1-Minute Chocolate Mug Cake

1-Minute Chocolate Mug Cake

Chocolate cake in 1 minute.  Yeah, I’m not big on cooking things in the microwave… but this recipe is so quick I just couldn’t resist. 1-Minute Chocolate Mug Cake prep time: 1minute cook time: 1 minute 1 oz unsweetened chocolate 2 tablespoons honey 1 tablespoon 

Pork Chops with Sauteed Apples and Leeks

Pork Chops with Sauteed Apples and Leeks

I’m pretty sure pork and apples are just one of the best fall flavor combinations out there.  I love a good bone-in, super juicy pork chop, cooked simply seasoned with salt and pepper.  But the best part is the rustic apples side dish.  Very easy 

Tomato Chicken Soup with Lentils

Tomato Chicken Soup with Lentils

…  I’ve been a bit under the weather, so cooking and blogging hasn’t been on the top of my list of things to do… but here is a recipe I’ve had for a while and ready to share with you!  FYI- this is a great way to use up those red lentils if you made my mason jar jack o lanterns for Halloween.

I’ve really been into soups lately.  They are hearty, flavorful and healthy.  This is basically a chicken soup, taken to the next level with the addition of chopped tomatoes and earthy lentils.  It’s simple and delicious.

Most recipes do not call for lentils to be soaked.  However, I find it beneficial to give them at least a quick soak to remove extra starches/sugars-  This will help with digestion and bloating issues.

The lentils practically melt into the soup, my kids didn’t even know they were in there!

Tomato Chicken Soup with Lentils

  • 2 1/2 lbs bone in chicken (breasts/thighs)
  • 2 cups baby carrots
  • 2 stalks celery, chopped
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 4 garlic cloves, chopped
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 2 sprigs of thyme
  • 8 cups water
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • 28 oz chopped tomatoes
  • 1 cup red lentils
  • 1/2 cup freshly chopped parsley
  1. In a large pot, add your chicken, carrots, celery, onion, garlic, bay leaves, thyme, water, salt and vinegar.  Bring to a boil, and cook on medium heat for 1 hr.
  2. While soup is cooking, soak your lentils in 4 cups water.
  3. Once your soup has reduced down, remove your chicken, bay leaves and sprigs of thyme.
  4. Stir in your tomatoes and your soaked, rinsed and drained lentils.  Cook for 20 minutes or until lentils are tender.
  5. While lentils are cooking, remove the chicken from the bone and shred it.  Add chicken back to the soup.
  6. Right before serving, stir in your freshly chopped parsley.

Seriously, I have no idea what it is about this soup, but it is addictive!  The perfect way to warm your home on a cold, fall day.

Frozen Banana Ghost Pops

Frozen Banana Ghost Pops

Make these super cute frozen banana treats with  your kids this weekend!  Healthy and naturally gluten free.  You know in the coming weeks they will be ingesting more sweets than usual, so take the opportunity to make a few healthier treats.  This is such an 

No-Bake Pumpkin Cheesecake

No-Bake Pumpkin Cheesecake

When shopping at Trader Joe’s,  I saw them giving out samples of their pumpkin cheesecake.  I was surely sad that I couldn’t try a bite.  So I came home, roasted a few pumpkins and decided to do some experimenting.  I was so pleased with my dairy