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Gluten Free Roasted Shrimp

Gluten Free Roasted Shrimp

Ever get shrimp and want to try something different with it?  Well here’s an idea:  roast it.  Now, if you follow my blog you will see a recurring cooking method that I use frequently.  My thoughts are that it is a quick, simple to follow, failproof 

Gluten Free Onion Cheddar Biscuits

Gluten Free Onion Cheddar Biscuits

These biscuits are packed with flavor!  You can make them mini size for snacking, or make them larger and flatten to serve as a bun for a sandwich.  Either way they taste great and are a cinch to put together.  I make a large batch and 

Gluten Free/Nut Free Banana Bread

Gluten Free/Nut Free Banana Bread

In an effort to have more nut free options, I have been utilizing the wonder flour, coconut flour.  It’s quite intersting to work with and definitely works differently than any other flour. Coconut flour is packed with fiber and is cholesterol free!  My kids won’t eat bananas once they are “too” ripe, so this is a great way to use them up.  This banana bread didn’t last longer than a day in my house, my kids really enjoyed it!

Gluten Free/ Nut Free Banana Bread

  • 2 large or 3 small bananas, very ripe
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 stick of butter, melted
  • 1/ 2 cup honey
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • dash of salt
  • 3/4 cup coconut flour, firmly packed
  1. Preheat oven to 300.
  2. Mash bananas with fork.
  3. Whisk in eggs, butter and honey.
  4. Add all dry ingredients and combine thoroughly.
  5. Spread into greased loaf pans.  (I used 3 small ones)
  6. Bake for 45-50 minutes until golden brown and inserted toothpick tests clean.

*fold in a cup of your favorite nuts or chocolate chips for extra fun!

Raw Almond Milk

Raw Almond Milk

Within the past year I discovered I was unable to tolerate milk, along with a whole other slew of fun things.   On a quest to find a suitable replacement I discovered almond milk.  Out of all the different “milk alternatives”, almond milk had the best flavor,  that 

Roasted Brussel Sprouts with Brown Butter and Crispy Proscuitto

Roasted Brussel Sprouts with Brown Butter and Crispy Proscuitto

On the holidays I grew up just showing up and eating the food.  I got to enjoy the fruits of others long enduring hours in the kitchen without lifting a finger.  I didn’t really realize what work went into the delicious feasts I partook in. You see