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Gluten Free Peanut Butter Cookies

Gluten Free Peanut Butter Cookies

This a rendition of the PB cookies I grew up eating that my mom always made.  Her version, which is also gluten free is 1 cup peanut butter, 1 cup sugar and 1 egg- super easy and yummy.  Here is my healthier take on this classic 

Gluten Free Candied Pecans

Gluten Free Candied Pecans

Nothing says holiday more than a big bowl of nuts.  That’s right, growing up I specifically remember there always being a big bowl of nuts- still in there shell, along with nutcrackers at holiday gatherings.  Although it looks great and is fun to do, I 

Tree hunting adventures with the family!

Tree hunting adventures with the family!

Ever been to a tree farm?? Well in an effort to make the holidays extra special and memoriable I decided it was time to start creating family traditions.  I thought what a more fun way to get a tree than to cut it down yourself!  I had heard about this from several families we knew and had always wanted to go to a tree farm myself.  But when you have kids still in infant carseats or barely walking, they don’t seem to notice or remember going to the Home Depot parking lot to pick out a tree…  But now that my children are getting older, they can really appreciate the fun and beautiful experience of a tree farm and enjoy the ability to pick their own tree!   We decided to tag along with good friends and mentors, the Smith family for our first experience.

First you get a cart to carry your tree on, the kids had a lot of fun getting “rides” from Daddy.  Then you walk through what appears to be endless rows of trees…  it’s easy to get lost and separated in this forest!  The kids had a blast playing chase and hiding from eachother.

Something about this image of my daughter reminds me of Bella in Twilight…..

Somehow Micah got a hold of the hand saw….  this isn’t creepy at all…..

Here are the men, working hard.

Micah with his friend Colby, who he absolutely adores!

Trying to keep my baby girl warm….

Here she is!

Putting the kids to work…. then we warmed up with some hot chocolate and cider in the barn!

Ta-da!  Finally home, all lit and decorated!  There is something so charming about Christmas trees that makes me want to leave it up year round.  Wouldn’t that be fun!  Just think, you could dress it with bunnies and eggs for Easter…. On a more serious note, I think that fresh trees require more water, well that has been my experience at least.  The “thirstiest” tree I have ever had!  But also the prettiest. So just be sure to remember that wherever you get your tree, or who you get it with~  cherish that time together and enjoy the holidays!

* here are some tips for keeping your Christmas tree fresh and looking beautiful longer!

Gluten Free Double Chocolate Pecan Cookies

Gluten Free Double Chocolate Pecan Cookies

Last night I was craving something extra chocolatey and threw this batter together in a hurry not knowing if they would even turn out.  Boy was I suprised to get such great results.  I was so pleased with them, that I decided to bring a 

Gluten Free Fried Chicken

Gluten Free Fried Chicken

I will admit there is no real gf substitute for Popeye’s fried chicken, but this recipe has met my needs for crispy fried goodness.  There really is nothing healthy about this except for the nutrients you get from the almond flour, coconut flour and the